Day 3

Hoy en MiniCamp hemos hecho serpientes de madera, ocean mandalas, hemos jugado al "duck duck goose" y hemos disfrutado mucho en la pisci.

En Verdia hemos quitado malas hierbas del huerto y hemos plantado pepinos. También hemos terminado con el papel reciclado. Y por supuesto un poco de yoga.

En Sports Camp hoy hemos jugado al hockey, volleyball, benchball y un rato con los "hula hoops".

Today in the MiniCamp we have made wooden snakes and ocean mandalas. We have played "duck duck goose", and we have enjoyed a lot the swimming pool.

In Verdia Camp we have removed the weeds from the orchard and we have planted cucumbers. We have also finished with the recycled paper. And a little bit of yoga of course.

In The Sports Camp we have played hockey, volleyball, benchball and with the hula hoops.


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